The Ratten Hammer
Ratten Hammer
This is called the bone conductor. The plastic tip is not necessary just to prevent injury. By hitting the wood side to your bone, it conducts piezo electricity through the body. By tapping the bone on the knee energy is sent to the pancreas. Many have lost weight doing this.
By tapping the bone on the knee, energy is sent to the pancreas. Many have lost weight doing this. For the rattan hammer you would tap on the ouch points. Rattan to skin. The metal Hammer is for tapping the Tong Ren doll. T1 for Bone
Bone, wood, and ceramic all have the potential to transfer piezoelectricity which is a type of kinetic energy created by the friction of those material structures during compressions (like tapping) We can tap boney structures with the bone conductor shown here and charge the bones with electrons from that piezoelectricity.
The bones are newly considered an endocrine organ, due to their ability to release substrates that affect bone regeneration in addition to releasing those substrates into the blood and sending them to distal organs (including the pancreas, so good for metabolic conditions and diabetes in particular) We are only just beginning to understand the interplay of the bones and the body so this is very cutting edge “technology” that we’re working with.
You can follow all the usual points that we use with just the hammer.
There is a piezoelectric effect in bone, which generates an electrical signal when stress is applied to the bone. The electrical signals in bone come from collagen [4]. When electrical signals stimulate the bone, this stimulates cell surface membrane proteins or stimulates the Ca2+ voltage-gated channel on the cell membrane surface, resulting in a change in the intracellular and extracellular concentration of Ca2+. Direct current stimulation can also promote the cell secretion of prostaglandins (PGE2), morphogens, and growth factors, thereby affecting the cell [5]. Therefore, electrical stimulation has a positive effect on bone tissue [6].
The piezoelectric effect is an essential factor in bone remodelling by enhancing the mechanical properties of bone tissue, promoting the formation of a more organised bone matrix, maintaining bone health, and preventing bone loss. Other parts of the body that benifit DNA, Enamel, Tendon, Collagen and Dentin.