Treating Neuropathy with Tong Ren for the Schwann Cells

The Schwann neuroglia are the myelin (insulation coating for fast nerve transmission) for the peripheral nerves. Whenever patients exhibit neuropathy in hands or feet, it's a very good idea to check to see if the Schwann cells are active. Particularly with chemo and other cytotoxic drugs, a lot of Schwann cells and other fast growing cells are destroyed. We need to make more Schwann cells (from the stem cell pool of our body) to replace this glial cell loss.

To activate and re-grow Schwann cells, tap at GV22, BL6, TW17 for the GH (growth hormone) signal from the hypothalamus and pituitary, as you are treating the area where you need the regrowth. For example, in the hands, you can tap on the ouch point (the hands), as you are bringing the GH and GHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone) signals to this area. Additionally, you need to tap from C5-T1 for the brachial plexus nerves for this specific hand neuropathy issue. These are the nerves that need re-myelination.

For the legs/feet, you want to "open up" the lumbar and sacral nerves from L4-S4 for the re-myelination. Another source of "blockage" to myelin insulation in the peripheral nerves can be calcification in the vasa nervorum, or the vessels to the nerves. Since the Schwann cells are neural cells, their blood supply comes from the vasa nervorum. To de-plaque the Schwann cells, you need to "re-balance" the calcium signal present in the cell. This is a function of the calcium hormone team (calcitonin, PTH, calcitriol, from the thyroid, parathyroids, and kidneys, respectively).

When treating neuropathy in the hands, for example, you can say: "Calcium balancing in the vasa nervorum for the Schwann cells of the brachial plexus nerves from C5-T1." (tap along C5-T1)

To treat neuropathy in the feet, you can say: "Calcium balancing in the vasa nervorum for the Schwann cells of the lumbar and sacral nerves to the feet, innervation from L4-S4." (Tap along L4-S4)

You can see from these last examples, that we are actually treating the nerves, the blood supply to the nerves, and the calcium hormone system. to Rick Kuethe